Etikettarkiv: NGO

UNFCCC: NGO participation

Nedan följer information som skickats ut från UNFCCC angående tillträde till Bella Center under torsdag och fredag:

Dear side events organizers,

Further to the site access limit effective from today, it has been decided that there will be no more registration of NGOs at the COP 15.

Consequently, side event speakers who have not received a photo badge by Tuesday, 15 December will not be able to access the venue any more. On Thursday, the site access will be further limited to 1,000 NGO participants. On Friday, the number will be further reduced to 500. The allocations of these numbers are planned to be coordinated through constituencies, rather than by a quota per organization. Please refer to the Daily Programme for further information.

We suggest that you consider replacement of the speakers with those with a photo badge and a secondary card or to cancel the side event.

We appreciate that you all invested a lot of resources both human and financial in the event, but the unexpected development of the nomination level and of the High Level Segment have compelled the secretariat to install a series of safety and security measures that led to this conclusion.

We are keenly aware of your frustration and your questions answered. I will be happy to meet with you in person tomorrow in the morning. We scheduled a meeting at 0:30 in Bodil Udsen tomorrow.

With compliments from UNFCCC Observer Organizations Liaison Team.

Maria Svane, GMV